Friday, December 16, 2011


Mrs. Wall's 2nd graders have been working on personal narratives during Writing. After the students wrote about 1 event in their lives, we used ZooBurst to create our own 3-D pop-up books. The students worked very hard and would like to share their final products with you!

Henry's book:

Liam's book:

Jayla's book:

Abigail's book:

Peri's book:

Jason's book:

Kevin's book:

Emari's book:

Monday, December 12, 2011

2nd Grade Poets

Club Boulevard has a class full of poets in 2nd grade! Watch and listen to Mrs. Lopez's class read their creative poetry. We have such innovative writers at Club Blvd!

Run, Run As Fast As You Can!

Mrs. Goff's class wrote a story using directional prepositions about all the places they spotted the Gingerbread Man. Have you seen him running around Club Blvd??

Friday, December 2, 2011

Earth, Moon, and Sun

3rd grade students from Mrs. Dunlap's class created a voicethread to share what they've learned so far about the earth, moon, and sun. Make sure your volume is turned up before you watch!