What should I read next?

Destiny Media Catalog--Visit Destiny to find books in our school library! You can also use this website to look up your student account, put books on hold, write book reviews, and find websites using Webpath Express.

North Carolina Children's Book Award--Picture books and Junior books nominated and voted for by NC students. Read at least 5 books from either list and you can vote for your favorite! Submit your vote to Mrs. Husketh by April 1, 2014.

Elementary Battle of the Books List--Our 4th and 5th grade Battle of the Books team will know these books inside and out by the end of the school year. Even if you aren't on the team, this list is filled with great books to read!

Durham County Library Kids Page--Do you have a library card? Did you know that as a resident of Durham County you have access to 9 libraries throughout the city? You don't want to miss out on all the cool events like game nights, author visits, craft times, and more! Visit your local branch and sign up for a library card today.

BookHive--Click on "Find a Book" to view recommendations by genre. This page for kids is maintained by the Charlotte Mecklenberg Public Library.


  1. This blog is great.

    The link above for the Battle of the Books list isn't correct. I think the correct link is http://www.ncslma.org/uploads/8/4/7/0/8470189/ebob_list_2011.pdf

    John Tallmadge

  2. Thanks, John! NCSLMA updated their website which must have impacted all the links. I'll be posting a video on the blog homepage soon that gives a preview of the battle books.
