Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Global Learning Communities

Today I am presenting with a colleague about Global Learning Communities to the DPS Elementary AIG facilitators. See our presentation below!

4th Grade College Research

Fourth graders in Ms. Hayes' class chose a university, technical college, or community college located in NC to research. Students used each institution's website to find their information and take notes on topics like Student Life, Athletics, Admissions Requirements, Libraries, and more.

Once the research was complete, I introduced the multimedia presentation tool Glogster to the class as a way to share what they learned with others. We had to organize our information and plan the layout before using the computers.

The students used a checklist to make sure all directions were followed and evaluated their own work at the end. Their favorite part was designing their Glog and using their own creative talents to best display their work. Most students felt that finding and saving pictures was the most difficult part to learn.


Below are just a few of the finished Glogs. You can view all the Glogs on display outside Ms. Hayes' classroom soon! Great job 4th graders!