Monday, March 23, 2015

African Storytelling

3rd graders have been participating in electives about Africa the past few months. Each elective lasts 3 sessions and then students switch to a different class. Students had the option of taking an elective such as African games, flags, mask making, Ancient Egypt, and more! I've had fun teaching the African storytelling elective. First, students learned some facts about the history of storytelling and why it is such an integral part of African culture.

We read two porquoi tales and a trickster tale during our 3 weeks together.

Click for more information on this titleClick for more information on this titleClick for more information on this title

We learned that African storytelling is a participatory experience so we borrowed instruments from  Mrs. Allen (our music teacher) to use with our stories. Each student chose an instrument they felt best represented their character in the story. We had fun exploring all the unique sounds during our performances!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Black History Month Living Museum

On Wednesday 25 of our talented students acted as notable African Americans during our annual Black History Month Living Museum. I gave students a research guide to help them organize their research and then turn it into a speech. Students worked on writing their speeches in first person and practicing it out loud at home. During our dress rehearsal, we gave students feedback on their presentation via a rubric. The rubric gave each student feedback on eye contact, speaking clearly, preparation, pace, and voice projection. 
4th grade actors: Nelson Mandela, Mary McCloud Bethune, Jesse Owens, George Crum, and Dorothy Dandrige
Artist Edmonia Lewis
NC Artist John Biggers
Actors performed at the luncheon for students and families in 25 minute shifts. We were visited by Jackie Robinson, Marie Maynard Daly, Jesse Owens, George Crum, Serena Williams, Shirley Chisholm, and Wallace Amos--just to name a few! Our actors were courageous, professional, and impressive! Thanks to all the families who were so supportive of our young actors. They shared a wealth of knowledge about important people who have contributed so much to our world. Great job, manatees! Your hard word taught us so much!

Please watch the Animoto slideshow below to see all our young actors in action!