Last Friday 30 of our students acted as notable African Americans during our Black History Month luncheon. Actors performed at the luncheon for students and families in 30 minute shifts. We were visited by Jackie Robinson, Eloise Greenfield, Harriet Powers, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, Jim Kelly, and Carl Brashear--just to name a few! Our actors were courageous, professional, and impressive! Thanks to all the families who were so supportive of our young actors. They shared a wealth of knowledge about important people who have contributed so much to our world.
I gave students a research guide to help them focus their research and then organize it into a speech. Students worked on writing their speeches in first person and practicing it out loud at home.
During our dress rehearsal, we gave students feedback on their presentation via a rubric (thanks to Mrs. Childress and Mrs. van Orsouw for helping!). The rubric gave each student feedback on eye contact, speaking clearly, preparation, pace, and voice projection.
Great job, manatees! Your hard word taught us so much!